Subject: |
Draft Budget & Resource Update 2021/22 |
Date of Meeting: |
3 December 2020 |
Report of: |
Acting Chief Finance Officer |
Contact Officer: |
Name: |
Nigel Manvell James Hengeveld |
Tel: |
01273 293104 01273 291242 |
Email: |
Ward(s) affected: |
All |
Note: The special circumstances for non-compliance with Council Procedure Rule 3, Access to Information Procedure Rule 5 and Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended), (items not considered unless the agenda is open to inspection at least five days in advance of the meeting) were that the government’s Spending Review was announced on 25 November and additional time was needed to analyse the headline impact on local authorities and include this in the report.
That the Policy & Resources Committee:
· An external audit Public Interest Report followed by a Statutory Section 114 report being issued by the Chief Finance Officer (CFO) of Croydon LBC to restrict all spending, bringing with it associated media and reputational impact;
· Various objections to local authorities’ statements of accounts, particularly concerning financing decisions and commercial property deals, requiring investigation and adjudication by external auditors;
· Various legal challenges from residents in respect of council decisions, particularly where urgent cuts have had to be approved to balance the books, most notably the upheld legal challenge to Bristol City Council regarding proposed reductions to children’s disability budgets;
· Intervention by government in respect of failing services where they can appoint commissioners to take over whole services, notably Doncaster Met which narrowly avoided Secretary of State intervention in Children’s Services by agreeing to create a new trust;
· In the severest case, Northamptonshire, direct intervention by government will result in dissolution of the authority and creation of two new unitary authorities from April 2021.
· The likely requirement to plan for the repayment of reserves over the next few years, particularly in respect of Collection Fund taxation losses experienced this year due to the pandemic (and possibly next year if Council Tax Reduction claimant numbers remain high due to slow economic recovery);
· Current and projected pressures on Adult Social Care resulting in overspending last year, projected overspending this year and significant cost pressures next year which are significantly higher than the available funding announced in the Spending Review;
· The numbers of people supported in, and the cost of, Emergency and Temporary Accommodation and associated support services which have been increasing year-on-year and have only been manageable through additional Homelessness Flexibility Grant awards. Although funding has been received to meet accommodation costs through the pandemic, if people are not successfully ‘moved on’ to sustainable accommodation or settings, this will increase baseline numbers further and the impact on the council’s budget will be potentially very substantial over the next few years. Officers will continue to monitor the number of homeless households approaching the council for support, the cost of this support and the availability of government revenue and capital funding, and will report back to Housing Committee to advise on whether or not the council’s approach to dealing with homelessness is financially sustainable;
· The council’s funding base is increasingly reliant on income from fees and charges, particularly parking and permit revenues. Fees & Charges are related to visitor and economic activity and behaviours, which can change over time potentially affecting income levels. The council’s relatively high level of fees & charges is evidenced by the compensation grant for losses of Sales, Fees & Charges caused by the pandemic for which this council received the 5th largest amount in the country. The council therefore needs to monitor trends in activity and behaviour and consider the potential impact on future income levels;
· The council’s commercial property portfolio, which provides substantial rental income of over £9m, is known to be highly geared toward the retail sector, which had been declining prior to the pandemic and may now be further impacted in the medium term, particularly as government rate relief support falls away. This could put pressure on commercial rent incomes in future;
· The council is highly reliant on suppliers and providers who may be impacted by Brexit either in terms of the cost of supplies or cost of labour, or the impact on supply chains. This could result in increased contractual costs for the council.
Spending Review Headlines
· An allowable 3% Adult Social Care precept which could provide an additional £4.4m;
· Additional Adult Social Care grant funding worth potentially £1.5m;
· A share of £1.55bn additional Covid-19 pressure funding which could provide between £6.2 to £7.5m depending on the distribution method;
· Funding provision for 75% of irrecoverable losses of Council Tax and Business Rate Retention income (i.e. the Collection Fund deficits) in 2020/21. This is significant and could be worth up to £8.7m one-off against the projected Collection Fund deficits.
· Continued provision of the compensation grant for losses of Sales, Fees & Charges income for the 1st quarter of 2021/22 reducing the risks of potential income losses next year;
· A public sector pay freeze excluding the NHS and also providing £250 for staff paid £24,000 per annum or less;
· Homelessness and Rough sleeping funding of £151m extra nationally in 2021/22. The distribution of this is unknown at present but should provide a minimum of £1m;
· Continuation of the Hardship Fund next year to support working age Council Tax Reduction claimants through an increase to the discount;
· Confirmation that the Troubled Families and additional Adult Social Care grant awarded in 2020/21 will be continued;
· Confirmation of removing access to PWLB loans for councils with commercial plans;
· More positively, reduction of the PWLB borrowing rate for the General Fund by 1% to be in line with the borrowing rate currently available to the HRA.
· The pay award built into the 2021/22 planning assumptions was 2.2%. The pay freeze, after providing for the Living Wage increase and allowing for a similar increase to the proposed public sector pay award for staff paid less than £24,000 will potentially reduce the cost of the pay award and would therefore reduce the budget gap by an estimated of £2.2m. Note, however, that local government pay is negotiated separately from public sector pay;
· The predicted level of additional grant support was £11m including £4m for Adult Social Care (ASC), £6m for ongoing Covid-19 pressures, and £1m for Troubled Families. This was after assuming continuation of the additional Adult Social Care grant awarded in 2020/21 which has been confirmed. If the 3% ASC Precept is taken up, the overall Spending Review outcome indicates that additional funding of at least £14m should be available, providing a minimum additional £3m compared to the level of funding built into the 2021/22 planning assumptions.
· The forecast Collection Fund deficit that needs to be repaid over the next few years is currently £11.818m. The Spending Review provides that 75% of the deficit will be funded which is worth approximately £8.7m and this reduces the call on one-off resources (reserves) accordingly.
· The level of New Homes Bonus assumed was £0.972m based on legacy payments from previous allocations; the Spending Review confirmed this funding for 2021/22.
Table 1: Spending Review Assumptions (Recurrent Funding) |
Assumed £m |
Minimum SR2020 £m |
Maximum SR2020 £m |
Additional Social Care funding |
4.000 |
1.500 |
1.500 |
Additional Social Care Precept at 3% (if approved) |
4.400 |
4.400 |
Additional ongoing support for Covid-19 impact |
6.000 |
6.200 |
7.500 |
Trouble Families Grant continuation |
1.000 |
1.000 |
1.000 |
Homelessness/Rough Sleeping |
0 |
1.000 |
1.500 |
Resources released by pay restrictions |
0 |
2.190 |
2.190 |
Total |
11.000 |
16.290 |
18.090 |
Increase in Resources compared with Spending Review Assumptions |
- |
5.290 |
7.090 |
Table 2: Investments & Service Pressures |
Assumed Recurrent Pressure Funding 2021/22 (July) |
Latest Recurrent Pressures Identified |
Latest Short Term Covid Pressures & (one-off) Pressures |
£m |
£m |
£m |
Health & Adult Social Care |
12.700 |
12.700 |
- |
Families, Children & Learning (incl. Troubled Families) |
6.000 |
6.603 |
0.400 |
Environment Economy &Culture |
- |
1.530 |
2.700 |
Housing, Neighbourhoods & Communities |
- |
1.500 |
2.000 |
All Other Services |
0.500 |
0.496 |
0.370 |
Corporate Plan Priorities |
1.000 |
1.200 |
0.330 |
Allowance for ongoing PPE costs |
0.500 |
- |
0.500 |
Land Charges Transfer |
0.500 |
0.500 |
- |
Financing Costs |
0.500 |
- |
0.500 |
Total |
21.700 |
24.529 |
6.800 |
Investment in Corporate Plan Priorities
Table 3: Proposed Corporate Plan Investments |
Annual Cost £m |
One-off Cost * £m |
Hydrogen feasibility study |
0.030 |
Additional spend priority to provide more provision for support to victims of domestic violence |
0.050 |
Expansion of the Sustainable Carbon Reduction Initiative Fund (SCRIF) financing budget to lever in borrowing for carbon reduction schemes |
0.200 |
Expansion of the warmer homes initiative (including district heating plans) through an additional financing budget to lever in more investment |
0.200 |
Addition of a Rewilding Officer post to enhance biodiversity |
0.040 |
Investment to provide a focused Race Education Strategy and delivery |
0.100 |
Investment in an Environmental Education Strategy for the City |
0 |
0.150 |
Creation of a ‘revolving door fund’ for community wealth building via an on-lending pilot. Expected to be self-financing. |
0 |
Enforcement Officer post for Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) non-compliance |
0.045 |
Expansion of the Housing first scheme to support a further 10 people |
0.100 |
Investment in ‘pocket parks’ |
0.030 |
Feasibility study for a seafront sustainable transport corridor |
0 |
0.030 |
Invest to save Adult Social Care – additional capacity to assist implementation of Better Lives and other demand and cost control measures |
0 |
0.120 |
Investment in improving school streets |
0.040 |
Creation of a new Disability Officer post |
0.045 |
Proposed 2% increase in the discount for the Council Tax Reduction Scheme (tax base change) |
0.350 |
1.200 |
0.330 |
* One-off costs will either be a call on one-off resources or may be funded by the Modernisation Fund subject to the outturn spend on currently funded schemes.
Local Government Finance Settlement and Tax base Forecasts
Table 4: Social Care Resources |
2019/20 |
2020/21 |
2021/22 |
ASC Precepting * |
2% £2.894m |
3% £4.400m |
Improved BCF |
£9.181m |
£9.181m |
£9.181m |
Adults & Children’s Social Care grant |
£2.100m |
£2.100m |
£2.100m |
Adult Social Care Grant |
- |
£4.715m |
£4.715m |
New Social Care Grant (SR2020) ** |
- |
- |
£1.500m |
** Estimated distribution of £300m national funding
£m |
2021/22 Budget Gap as at July 2020 |
17.300 |
Increase in priority investments and service pressures (recurrent) |
+2.829 |
Impact of a pay restrictions on estimates |
-2.190 |
SR2020 additional ASC support |
-1.500 |
Adult Social Care 3% Precept (if approved) |
-4.400 |
SR2020 improvement on £6m assumption for additional Covid support |
-0.200 |
Less Assumed ASC SR Funding |
+4.000 |
Additional Homelessness and Rough Sleeping funding |
-1.000 |
Budget Gap before Savings Proposals |
14.839 |
Early Draft Saving Proposals to date (Appendix 2) |
-6.369 |
Remaining Budget Gap |
8.470 |
· The latest TBM position which will be updated for month 9 (December). Any improvement to the current overspend forecast will increase available one-off resources and vice versa;
· A comprehensive review of reserves and provisions which is undertaken annually as part of the budget process;
· A further review of in-year Collection Fund (tax yield) performance. Any improvement will reduce the shortfall and vice versa;
· Updated estimates of short term Covid-19 pressures.
Table 6: One-off resources, liabilities and potential allocations (as at Month 7/October) |
£m |
£m |
Unallocated general reserves |
0.000 |
Revenue Budget position 2020/21 (TBM): |
- Forecast outturn overspend (as at TBM Month 7/October) |
-0.030 |
In-year Collection Fund[1] position 2020/21: |
- Estimated 2020/21 Council Tax collection fund deficit |
-8.298 |
- Estimated 202/21 Business Rates Retention collection fund deficit |
-3.520 |
Sub-total: Projected In-year Collection Funds position |
-11.818 |
Projected One-off Resources shortfall at start of 2021/22 |
-11.848 |
75% SR2020 provision for Collection Fund deficits |
+8.864 |
Revised shortfall |
-2.984 |
Potential One-off Allocations in 2021/22: |
- Latest Short Term Covid-19 and other one-off service pressures |
-6.470 |
- One-off investment in Corporate Plan priorities |
-0.330 |
- Allocation to Council Tax Reduction Discretionary Fund |
-0.190 |
- Allocation to Welfare Reform Support Fund |
-0.200 |
Current One-off Resources shortfall |
-10.174 |
· All services will explore opportunities to generate additional income from fees & charges. A corporate target of 1% must first be met but increases above this will normally generate a saving. Increases in the surplus from on-street parking and permit income must be applied to transport-related expenditure. However, this normally releases core council funding currently applied to transport related services.
· Many services, across all directorates, will explore opportunities for service redesign, process efficiency and utilising digital developments to improve customer service and efficiency. These savings approaches can be used to improve value for money of services or provide ‘more for less’. These changes can have implications for staff and residents requiring consultation and equality impact assessment.
· All services will explore opportunities for contract and procurement savings through the use of competitive procurement routes and buying frameworks as well as looking for opportunities for joint procurement with partners, including through the Orbis partnership.
· Implementation of the Better Lives and Stronger Communities Target Operating Model to help manage demand pressures and improve service outcomes through preventing admissions to new long term placements;
· Optimise home care support to keep people in their own homes to reduce the current rates of conversion from short term to more expensive long term placements;
· Improve market management, including enhanced joint commissioning with the CCG (joint buying power);
· Redesign in-house provision to support the above objectives and reduce expensive out of area placement costs. This includes building on Covid-19 learning to optimise asset-based approaches to service delivery including closer working with the voluntary sector.
· The Directorate is exploring options for savings on Adults with Learning Disabilities through a number of targeted strategies including:
o Continuation of the 'Move On' project supporting adults with LD to move on from high cost placements into new living arrangements which promote independence.
o Appropriate joint funding arrangements to be pursued i.e. Continuing Health Care funding.
o Improved transition arrangements for young people. The Specialist Community Disability Service 14-25 pod will seek to provide a greater focus on this high cost area.
o Review of existing block contracts for outsourced services to address any over provision and more effective utilisation of voids.
o Expansion of Shared Lives capacity.
· The project to increase the number of in-house foster placements and reduce reliance on more expensive independent provider provision is ongoing which should enable further savings on Children’s Agency Placement costs.
· Ensuring value for money is obtained when using external providers; this is supported by the children's services framework contract arrangements and preferred provider guidelines.
· Relationship based social work practice and the specialist adolescence service continues to contribute to diverting children from the care system by meeting need and managing risk within the home.
· Explore the potential to increase income from traveller sites.
· An ‘end to end’ review of Temporary Accommodation (TA) services through a TA Improvement Programme. The programme will include a review of income collection, voids turnaround, TA procurement, management of lettings etc, as well as work to increase the number of Council-owned TA units.
· Explore potential options for the refinancing of the Seaside Homes agreement to develop more cost effective ways of supporting homeless people;
· Explore savings opportunities in Communities, Equalities & Third Sector services through small scale efficiency gains and non-statutory support services.
· Increase on-street pay & display parking tariffs to generate additional income thereby releasing core budget for savings;
· Introduce emission-based on street parking tariffs, linked to the objectives of a car free city centre and a reduction in congestion/ improvement in air quality.
· Review of resident parking permit fees, including increasing fees in areas of high demand zones to moderate the demand and encourage alternative modes of transport.
· Increase licence fees for skips, scaffolds, hoardings, materials and A-Boards.
· Corporate Services and Support Functions will continue to explore opportunities for generating external income by providing contracted services. This must balance the income generated with any impact on the capacity of these functions to provide the council with the support it needs.
· Services within the Orbis Partnership (Finance, HR, Procurement, Audit and IT&D) will explore opportunities to deliver the targeted savings within the 3-year Orbis Business Plan. These savings may not fall evenly across services or across partners but are expected to deliver £1.1m for the partnership, of which BHCC’s share would be approximately £0.250m.
· The Revenues & Benefits Service will explore further potential savings in recognition of the ongoing transfer of caseload over to Universal Credit managed by the DWP.
· Housing Schemes including HRA schemes and the Housing Joint Venture;
· Education & Skills investments including provision for school places;
· Sustainable Transport including Local Transport Plan investments;
· Major Regeneration schemes including the Strategic Investment Fund (SIF), Brighton Waterfront, Madeira Terraces and New England House;
· Other Investment Funds including the Asset Management Fund, Planned Maintenance and IT&D Fund;
· Carbon reduction and sustainability investment programmes including Solar Panels and the Sustainable Carbon Reduction Initiative Fund (SCRIF);
· Major IT & Digital implementation and replacement programmes.
· Expanding the SCRIF programme as a priority investment to support being a carbon neutral city;
· Expanding the warmer homes scheme as a priority investment (including district heating plans);
· Considering alternative options for refurbishing the Madeira Terraces remaining arches potentially through attracting additional heritage funding;
· Exploring capital investment options in future for Brighton Youth Centre;
· Expanding the Home Purchase scheme through, for example, the use of Right-to-buy receipts currently applied to the General Fund;
· Exploring a business case for a covered cycle rack scheme;
· Retrofitting and renewable investment in council housing (HRA);
· Exploring business cases for alternative Adult Social Care provision (e.g. further extra care provision);
· Exploring options for investment in street trees.
· Invest-to-Save Budget Proposals: Based on the experience of the previous 4 years, £2.000m is estimated to be required to support implementation of specific savings and efficiency programmes including service redesigns, recommissioning and process improvements. Investment requirements are currently being reviewed and finalised and will be refreshed each year. This resource will be held in a reserve and only released through review of business cases by the officer Corporate Modernisation Delivery Board. Committee approvals would also be sought where required by Financial Regulations and the council’s constitution.
· Customer Digital: £4.350m is anticipated to be required over the next 3 years to support ongoing investment in digital infrastructure and applications and to support continued development of the council’s digital services and integration of data across systems and services to improve the accessibility, efficiency and ease-of-use of on-line services. The investment is set at a lower level than in the previous four years as the underpinning work to develop the necessary technology platforms has been completed.
· Modernisation Enablers: £4.3m is estimated to be required to support ongoing change and modernisation programmes over the 4-year period. This includes everything from an effective project management support team, business improvement analysts, workstyles property team support, investment in ‘Our People Promise’ and staff development and skills programmes, together with additional specialist support where required. This investment has been scaled down to reflect the lower level of expected budget gaps over the next 4 years.
· Managing staffing changes: efficiency programmes and a continual drive for improved value for money will often result in changes in the level or mix of staffing and skills required across the council. Changing staffing levels or skills will often need financial consideration in order to effect voluntary severance for roles or posts no longer required or needing to be replaced with different roles or skills. Estimated resources of £2.000m are required to meet severance costs to manage change.
· IT Modernisation Investment: Investment in IT equipment, software, systems and services (e.g. voice and data) is important to enable the organisation to remain secure, resilient and efficient. Historically, the organisation has suffered from long periods of under-investment which has had to be addressed over the last 4 years through approval of large IT Capital Schemes including Windows 10 roll-out, replacement of the Housing and Social Care systems, General Data Protection Regulation upgrades, etc. Minimum IT Modernisation Investment of £1.100m is included here in an attempt to avoid a similar build-up of IT ‘investment backlog’ by supplementing existing budgets and enabling the council to keep up with necessary infrastructure changes.
Table 7: Indicative Modernisation Fund |
Programme Area |
2020/21 |
2021/22 |
2022/23 |
2023/24 |
Total |
£m |
£m |
£m |
£m |
£m |
Customer Digital |
1.750 |
1.750 |
1.550 |
1.050 |
6.100 |
Modernisation enablers |
1.510 |
0.920 |
0.930 |
0.940 |
4.300 |
Invest to Save (4-Year Plans) |
0.650 |
0.550 |
0.450 |
0.350 |
2.000 |
Managing staffing changes |
0.700 |
0.500 |
0.400 |
0.400 |
2.000 |
IT Modernisation Investment |
0.800 |
0.300 |
0.000 |
0.000 |
1.100 |
Total |
5.410 |
4.020 |
3.330 |
2.740 |
15.500 |
· The proposed Capital Investment Programme
· The Governance & Risk Framework
· Potential and pending non-financial investments
· An overview of the council’s Risk Exposure
Table 8: Capital Schemes Currently Paused
Scheme Description |
2020/21 Borrowing £000* |
Recommended for December Review |
Sustainability & Carbon Reduction Investment Fund |
500 |
Un-pause |
Sustainability & Carbon Reduction Investment Fund - Transport BUDGET AMENDMENT |
3,900 |
Un-pause |
Purchase of Commercial Properties to support Madeira Terraces Investment - BUDGET AMENDMENT |
20,000 |
Continue pause and reassess the entire scheme in the February Capital Strategy to P&R and Budget Council |
Total |
24,400 |
* Associated financing costs will not now be incurred until 2021/22 at the earliest.
· Providing appropriate support to staff throughout the change process to enable them to maximise any opportunities available;
· Controlling recruitment and ensuring there is a clear business case for any recruitment activity;
· Managing redeployment at a corporate level and maximising the opportunities for movement across the organisation;
· Managing the use of temporary or agency resources via regular reports to Directorate Management Teams (DMT’s);
· Offering voluntary severance where appropriate to staff affected by budget proposals on a case by case basis.
These measures will remain in place as consultation with trade unions, staff and other stakeholders is undertaken. Where necessary, a targeted voluntary approach to releasing staff in areas undergoing change will be managed to support service redesigns whilst ensuring that the organisation retains the skills that will be needed for the future.
i) The risk of not achieving the saving is assessed to be high;
ii) There is insufficient evidence or information to assess the potential saving;
iii) The alternative proposal is adding to or bringing forward an existing saving without further information as to how this can be achieved;
iv) The alternative proposal requires one-off investment or loan financing that cannot be supported;
v) The alternative proposal is beyond the powers and duties of the local authority.
Date |
Event |
Notes |
3 Dec 2020 |
Policy & Resources Committee (P&R) |
Draft Budget & Resource Update report including Budget Strategies; Budget Monitoring (TBM) month 7 report.
10 - 18 Dec 2020 |
Service Budget Review Group Meetings (BRG) |
Confidential BRG review of early draft proposals – one meeting per directorate – attended by relevant cross party portfolio leads and director |
Mid-Dec |
Provisional Local Government Financial Settlement |
Receipt and analysis of the provisional settlement expected around mid-December. |
Mid-Dec to early-Jan |
Development of draft proposals |
Further work and refinement of draft budget proposals incorporating the impact of the Provisional Local Government Financial Settlement |
7 Jan 2021 |
CFO/Unions |
Sharing overall draft budget proposals |
7 – 12 Jan 21 |
Department Consultative Group’s |
Sharing and explaining Budget Proposals for the relevant directorate |
w/c 11 Jan 21 |
January P&R finance reports (see below) shared with cross-party Finance Leads |
13 Jan 2021 |
P&R Publication |
Publication of 21 Jan P&R papers and start of consultation processes with other stakeholders. |
21 Jan 2021 |
P&R |
Budget Update and Draft Budget Proposals report; Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2021/22 report; Council Tax Base report; Business Rates tax base report. |
28 Jan 2021 |
Council |
Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2021/22 report (from P&R). |
1 Feb 2021 |
CFO/Unions |
Sharing overall final budget package |
11 Feb 2021 |
P&R |
General Fund and HRA Revenue & Capital Budget reports; TBM month 9 report. |
25 Feb 2021 |
Budget Council |
General Fund and HRA Revenue & Capital Budget reports. |
Table 10: Approval of Fees & Charges |
Fees & Charges Area |
Meeting |
Date |
Licensing and Enforcement |
Licensing Committee |
26/11/20 |
Children & Young People
Children, Young People & Skills Committee |
11/01/21 |
Private Sector Housing – HMO Licensing |
Housing Committee |
20/01/21 |
Housing Revenue Account |
Housing Committee |
20/01/21 |
Planning |
Tourism, Equalities, Communities & Culture Committee |
14/01/21 |
Libraries |
Tourism, Equalities, Communities & Culture Committee |
14/01/21 |
Seafront, Outdoor Events and Venues |
Tourism, Equalities, Communities & Culture Committee |
14/01/21 |
Environmental Health and Trading Standards |
Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee |
19/01/21 |
City Parks and City Clean |
Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee |
19/01/21 |
Parking and Highways
Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee |
19/01/21 |
Bereavement Services |
Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee |
19/01/21 |
Life Events (excluding Bereavement Services) |
Policy & Resources Committee |
21/01/21 |
Adult Social Care Non-residential care services |
Health & Wellbeing Board |
26/01/21 |
Financial Implications:
Finance Officer Consulted: James Hengeveld Date: 26/11/20
Legal Implications:
Lawyer Consulted: Elizabeth Culbert Date: 26/11/20
Equalities Implications:
Sustainability Implications:
Any Other Significant Implications:
Risk and Opportunity Management Implications:
1. Draft Directorate Budget Strategies 2021/22
2. Early Draft Budget Proposals
Documents in Members’ Rooms
1. None
Background Documents
1. Budget files held within Finance
[1] Collection Funds are separate accounts where taxation revenues received from the Council Tax and Business Rates are allocated and compared to the expected tax yield for the year.